By : C-Tsah Diaries

Tender and truthful
Authentic also beautiful
Terms that best described you
We made a promise
But your life full of bumps
Forced you to break our promise
Our promise is broken into ashes

You were as true as the day
From my life you have slipped away
The sun has set without a warning
The river that yesterday was flooding
Today is as dry as bone
So soon you have gone
The flower has withered
With our promise crashed

Now that our promise is demolished
Though failed we to save you from being devoured
My hope stands still
Till the day I lay my eyes on you again
The hope that rest in no other but the Everlasting Arms

Now that you are no more
My heart bathes in sorrow
I haven’t cherished life enough
I delighted in things that bringes not my own eternal good
I haven’t thanked God enough
But rather chose to displease my Owner
By doing things that glorify Him not
Teach me to be good oh LORD
And never break my promise

Blessed are you
That you have left this scourging pot
Where toil and suffering is sulfur to the burning charcoal
But when my time comes
LORD no matter how fierce the battle will be
I wanna be ready

Until then
I will miss you beloved
Let me do those things that please you oh LORD
That I may dwell in your comfort
That the day may find me ready
Only to break  another one’s promise

In memory of the little pretty girl. I met her in Dowa Secondary School, Isabel Mbewe. She was so beautiful and smart, and young full of tenderness and loved by many. She has gone so soon, 5th July 2017. May her soul rest in eternal peace. I will miss you beloved~ Priscillah Chitsanzo Chimukho Kwawilira.


  1. May Her Soul rest in eternal peace.

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    1. That's humanity you showed to your beloved one.Where ever she is she must receive a grace and light from the above.

    2. thanks a lot Mr Phiri, may the good LORD bless you abundantly.


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