
Showing posts from December, 2017
DESTINY It isn't a birth right we can possess It is something we soberly choose The path we daily walk on For heroes aren't born Nor found from a scratch No dear they are made Not only through dedication But also by the fire of determination In sweats often times With tears sometimes In pain usually On sacrifice always choose your destiny wisely for as long as freedom of choice remains true so shall destiny always be a choice too C_Tsah Diaries
I have no problems with aiming high Buh at least to some degree we should be deserving  The people, the victories, the success we wanna have somehow anyhow we should deserve them all specials deserve something special C_Tsah Diaries
you are more better than what they ever told you my favorite professor once said
  As the old saying goes you cannot miss what you never had
I don't know why it is so,  buh maybe its easier that way,   or because we tend to appreciate people more  when they are out of sight
That who would among them I once asked my friends for a day of peace sell a spoon of truth of course none accepted that buh never wanna live with it its so irony that we profess to love it let alone , yield to it or at least be changed by it the truth soothes  both the mind and soul no other offers the peace that it gives for the sake of truth its better to be hated than being loved after engrossing the truth with lies C-Tsah Diaries
it is so natural for us  to love and cherish others especially those who in times of need  rendered us so much help and brought us comfort buh how indignant are we seeing that Someone  undeservingly died for us that through His death we may have life some have called it mirth because they never want to understand it nor tried to I mean how many things in this world do we comprehend??? from the birth of a baby to the setting of the sun then how do we suppose a finite to understand the Infinite?????? possible means He has provided that those willing may understand Him buh never fully for we are buh finite beings so if in this life  I am allowed to love buh only one man  I wanna love you Jesus alone ' Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.' C-Tsah Diaries
My mom is my hero Specializing a single day Celebrating mothers once every year It is really wonderful That these mothers deserve our love Year in and year out Truly worthy of everything That doesn't exclude We owe almost all we have to them Especially I Even I know  Deep inside me its clear That I owe my everything to my mom She is my hero Elizabeth Mayani Kwawilira If I were given a chance to choose my mom I would want to choose her over and over again I love you mom C-Tsah Diaries
   Its hard sometimes To watch our beloved ones live and leave right before our eyes both the old and the young alike finding comfort in 'it was meant to be' lets not forget that none last forever live like you were saying goodbye too short is life C-Tsah Diaries