it is so natural for us 
to love and cherish others
especially those who in times of need 
rendered us so much help and brought us comfort

buh how indignant are we
seeing that Someone 
undeservingly died for us
that through His death we may have life

some have called it mirth
because they never want to understand it nor tried to
I mean how many things in this world do we comprehend???
from the birth of a baby to the setting of the sun
then how do we suppose a finite to understand the Infinite??????

possible means He has provided
that those willing may understand Him
buh never fully
for we are buh finite beings

so if in this life 
I am allowed to love
buh only one man 
I wanna love you Jesus alone

' Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God, and keep his commandments:
for this is the whole duty of man.'

C-Tsah Diaries


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