BY C-Tsah Diaries

Before the cock crows he wakes
To seek nothing but the guidance of God
That fear of God is his wisdom he understands
Truly understanding dwells in you soulmate

He speakes the voice of an angel
Every word uttered he electroplate with kindness
If you are Jacob, help me be Rachel
 Modesty and purity describes his dress

Soulmate, you are the most glittering pearl
You  engrave the heart of gold truly
Only you’re more rare than the gold
You are as precious as happiness itself
Extinct not that I can have you and plume myself

Old women I bow
That he is the one tell me how to know
My man and my Mr Right
Hide not from me this secret
For it is better to be alone
That to miss my destined man
The bone of my bone
Soulmate I confess to be your fan

If you were the gods
I would pray only to you
If you were the moon
To prove my loyalty true
Only with you to commune
I would be nocturnal
Together lets write this journal

The more precious it is they say
The more it loves to arrive late
But let the chips fall where they may
You are precious my lovemate
So on the right time you will arrive
And on the right day its you I will have
My Soulmate

Dedicated to my soulmates, family members, friends and workmates. What can life be without love, but meaningless.


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