By : C-Tsah Diaries

What is  christianity ?
Would you reply me with sanity?
Can you answer without losing your breath?
It is but to be a descendant of Abraham the father of faith
Through Christ’s death we have been made worth
 For we are a people of faith

By faith counted was Abraham righteous
Of course not as a purchase
Buh as a gift from God
Grace from the very throne of the LORD
It is priceless indeed
Not with our works nor our good deeds
If you think your good works will justify you, think twice
For Justification is by none except the blood of Christ

We are twice His
Through creation
And also by redemption
So have you believed?
Do you take God at His word?
For faith is not a feeling
But the life we live, in our daily dealings

We are living under grace indeed
Buh does grace offer a licence to sin
God forbid!
For grace must sprout love from within
And those who love Him Keep His command

So, who is a Christian?
Answer the question as to get a distinction
Or is a modern Christian so not obvious
That with people of this world there is no a clear distinction
Have you comformed yourself to the standards of this place
That you have for so long forgotten the essence of true religion
As an ambassador for Christ where is your batch?
Is it so much hidden that none can tell
That you are the LORD’s have you informed hell
Are you the true ambassador of Heaven?
Or are you still in the closet?
Is your desire indeed to be cool and modern?

Is it not to be Christ-like to be a Christian?
And also to visit the poor and the widows in affliction
Being dead to sin and self isnt it?
Is it not to daily lean on Jesus?
More especially buh to surrender oneself to Christ
Is it not to be pure and undefiled?
To keep oneself unstained from the world
 To follow His path in self-denial
Oh it is indeed also to love God
With the whole heart, mind and soul

So modern Christians
Are we still on the track
Have we rejoiced at the cost of others’ joy
Or have we indeed lost our way
Have we helped to ease others’ burdens
Especially even those not of our faith
As Jesus did with the ‘Gentiles’
The righteous for the unrighteous
The just for the unjust
Or we have cherished to shut down the gospel in selfishness
Thinking, that way we are securing our own happiness

What good does it bring to the kingdom of God
When its only our relatives we love
And greet only our neighbours
Dont ‘heathens’ also do the same things?
Then what light do you give to the darknenss
When you light your candle and hide it under the bed
If in this manner you have lost your saltiness
 What benefit those of the world have from you

Oh that we could wake up from slumber
And take God at his word
The glue sticking to the walls of our hearts
Could soon be melted
Only if we could trust in His word
The rivers keeping us out of reach from one another
Would surprisingly be dried up
Tenderness would grow in place of hurt
That kindness might grow in stead of hate

You are truly blessed oh you followers of Christ
For in faith your sins are forgiven
You are indeed the apple of God’s eyes
Believing in His Word you shall never be forsaken
For those who trust in him
Shall never be put to shame
His love is unconditional
For He loves all men the same
And as his proffessed disciples
Who are we to choose whom to love
In faith we love Him
With faith we hope in Elo-him
He is our strength and our righteousness
And we are the followers of the Great I Am

The proudly old fashioned CHRISTIANS


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